Reiki Level 1- Shoden


FIRST DEGREE (“I Am in the Light”) is called Shoden. It is the basic course where the
student learns self-treatment and how to treat others. This degree will help you learn how to be a clear channel, how to develop a clear mind and develop a compassionate detachment from outcome by releasing control and simply allowing Reiki to happen.
This course is comprehensive and detailed.Once attuned, the student will go through a 3-4 week cleansing period where their body adjusts to higher levels of spiritual energy. During this period, each chakra will be cleared, balanced and enlarged and the hara line or central light column will be expanded enabling the student to channel higher levels of ki. The student will go from a 50-watt light bulb to a 100-watt light bulb.
Course Includes:
Definition and History of Reiki
Reiki as a Spiritual Practice
Introduction to the Chakra System
Self Care: Grounding and Energy Clearing Techniques
Hand Placements for Self and Others
Reju: Initiation with 4 attunements
Practice Time to Integrate the Energy, Gain Confidence and Ask Questions
Reiki Ethics
Investment: $400.00 Workbook and Certificate included.