Reiki Certification Courses
Reiki is a form of hands on healing, created by Japanese Dr. and Monk Mikao Usui. Reiki is Universal Life force energy connecting to and breathing life into all living things. Reiki is neither positive or negative. Reiki allows us to become one with all living things in our lives, connecting to pure unconditional love bringing us into harmony.
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Choosing to receive a Reiki attunement will assist you in reclaiming, activating and strengthening your natural healing abilities. A great analogy is to see each one of us as a lamp. Each of us were born already equipped with the electrical wiring and components we need in order to radiate and emit Creator’s healing light. By choosing to receive a Reiki attunement we are taking our electrical cord and re-plugging it back into Creator’s power outlet. In other words, we are choosing to connect in a much more stronger way to Creator or the Universal Life Force Energy, therefore, tapping into an unlimited supply of source energy.
Reiki is transmitted to the student in three degrees. Each degree includes an attunement. An attunement is a sacred spiritual initiation that connects the student to higher levels of consciousness and to an unlimited source of healing energy. The attunement enhances the students’ connection with their higher self, clears karma and negative energy from the energy bodies, removes energetic blocks and raises the student’s vibration opening them up to hold
more light, ki, or universal life force energy.
A physical and emotional cleansing and reorganization of the student’s energy will occur. The attunement elicits a healing response on all levels of the students being: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. It usually takes between 30-90 days for the student’s energetic and physical bodies to integrate these new higher vibrational energies. Daily self-healing for at least the first month is necessary for the student to be able to fully integrate the Reiki energy. If possible, full
body treatments on family, friends and pets are also beneficial during this time period. In addition, Reiki Shares or Reiki Circles are also a great way to assist yourself and others in their healing process and will help you build confidence with your newly connected healing abilities.
Who This Course is For?
This course is intended for indiviudauls seeking Spiritual Transformation and deepen
understanding of ones’ persoanl journey. This course is intended to expand learning and
understanding of Reiki and how it can be utilized for personal and professional development to
heal and grow.

Reiki Level 1- Shoden

Reiki Level 2- Okuden

Level 1 Reiki Master